Thursday, March 11, 2010

TMI Thursdays

TMI Thursdays is a little trend I picked up from my good friend imerika at Refreshingly Honest. It's a day where you share a story that has, well, too much information. We bear our souls just a little bit more than we normally would to those amongst the blogosphere.
And since I don't have anything as of recent that's too raunchy, I decided to grant you all the pleasure of reading a REALLY old blog post. Yes, I had a blog before this. Yes, there was a girl before OAOA. Yes, this girl's story is one hundred times more epic and melodramatic than OAOA's.
I called her Firefly in previous posts on this blog. And yes, this TMI Thursday post is about her. It's a long one...but damn, it's a good story. :) Enjoy!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit.

Ho-ly shiiiiiiit.

It's 7:35am right now, and she's still asleep, so now is about the only time I'm going to get to discreetly write a post. Not that I want to be sleeping. I'm awake because I'm wired. Day 1 went...well it went better than I ever could have hoped for. Or worse than I ever could've imagined, depending on your perception of good and bad.

All too familiar feelings washed over me when I arrived at the Vancouver International Airport. Man, have I been here before. Except this time it's not midnight and almost empty and I'm not dying from pneumonia. The place was MOBBED. Standing in customs for an hour and a half after I had just traveled for over nine hours was torture. All these people, hundreds of them, waiting to get past the gates and into the city of Vancouver. I wondered if any of them had stories anything like mine.

The customs person didn't give me nearly as much trouble this time as they did last, and it's probably because the line was long as hell and I didn't look like I was bringing the Ebola Virus across the border. Luckily, literally seconds after I passed through customs, my bag arrived onto the carousel. I snagged it and I fucking jetted out of that airport.

Only to find there was a line for Taxis. What? Really? A line? This country amazed me with how polite and courteous everyone is. A LINE! For TAXIS! Try making a line for a taxi at PHL, LAX, or JFK. There will be blood shed. Gotta love America. Most aggressive wins the taxi.

When I did finally get my taxi (which was a really nice taxi, by the way, with a really nice cabbie), I started on the final stretch toward the girl I've been waiting for. I asked the cabbie how long it would take to get to her house. He said around twenty minutes. Alright, not bad, I can handle that. She was in the vicinity of 10th street, and I found us crossing 50th street minutes later. I was like, "Really? 40 more fucking blocks?" Could the trip really take any longer?

All-in all, it took me about twelve hours of traveling to finally be dropped off in front of her house where the door was open. I couldn't see anyone inside. The cabbie goes: "Look. Door's open, waiting for you."

Yeah. It sure fucking is.

I was shaking as I took my bags out of the trunk. And when I looked over to the door one more time, I saw a head peak itself out, a head with a huge smile. I paid the cabbie, began walking towards her door, and like any cheesy, romantic movie of any kind, she comes outside, I drop my bags, and we wrap our arms around each other as tightly as you can hug someone without stripping them of the ability to breathe. We did not let go of each other for a LONG time. We just kept spouting out random bits, not really knowing what we were saying, but kinda saying what we re supposed to be saying: "Oh my god, you're really here. Oh my god, it's you. I can't believe you're here, it's so good you're here."

When we stopped hugging, we stared at each other, grinning, for a long long time. And this continual staring will continue to happen for the majority of the day, each of us not really sure how it's possible that we're standing in front of one another.

Her and I talked all day. ALL day. We always wondered if we could uphold conversations in person like we could on the phone. Our record on the phone was 8.5 hours. We broke it yesterday. We talked about everything and anything, and we never stopped.

The actual events of the day, aren't really that exciting (until the end). All we did was go get a cup of coffee, sit in a park, meet her roommates friends, go out for sushi, go out for beer, and then come back to her place. I mean, no, they're not exciting in and of themselves, but the fact that I was doing all of these things with her made them exciting. We gazed into each other's eyes any chance we got. We reveled about how crazy it is to see someone in 3D and not in a get to witness their subtle nuances. She looked gorgeous. She thought I looked gorgeous. And about an hour into being there, all I could think was "This was going to be harder than I thought."

It got to the point where we actually COULDN'T look at each other because we were too attracted to one another and we knew exactly what was going through the other's mind.

We got pretty tipsy at the bar, having shared a pitcher of beer, and she broke the ice (knowing she shouldn't) by letting me know that I have the most beautiful eyes.

As we were walking back to her place, I took her hand, and she held it tight. We both held it tight for a few moments before she spurted out "You're here for nine more days. Who the fuck were we kidding?" I have no idea. No matter how many declarations I had and she had over and over in preparation for this seems being in the presence of someone can nullify anything. We took our hands away from one another, attempting some form of restraint.

When we got back to her house, nobody was there, the music was left on (and we continued to leave it on), and we sat next to each other on the couch, pondering what to do next. We sat close. We knew what we wanted to do, the question was simply "how long can we go before we give in?" The answer?

Not very long.

For what seemed to be an hour, she and I held hands, rubbed arms and legs, put cheek to cheek, whispered things like "I remember your smell...", and "...we were never going to make in 10 days."

We were afraid to kiss one another. Seriously, genuinely afraid. We knew the consequences. I wanted to be good to her, and she wanted to be good to me, by NOT kissing each other. But this was vacation. And I hadn't seen her in 2.5 years. And I didn't know when I was going to get the chance to see her again.

So, everyone who's reading this that may be my friend or just plain doesn't agree with my relationship with her...I'm sorry. But I'm really not sorry. I kissed her. Which brings me, once again, to the first line of this post.

Holy Shit. I've never had a kiss that was as hot as this before. Not even with her. This topped it. This topped anything. We went nuts, right there on her couch. We practically tore each other's clothes off. I was halfway between ecstasy and halfway between hysterically laughing because she was right. Who the fuck were we kidding? This was so predictable and so downright awesome at the same time that I was laughing.

We moved it to her room, and, well...yeah. Officially, I've gotten more action in the past week than I've gotten in the past 2.5 years. And this girl tops her own record for best sex I've ever had.

We did end up stopping halfway through at one point because she was so nervous and felt so guilty about what was happening, and just plain needed a glass of water. This girl, though...nobody has ever looked at me and my body the way she does. I felt like a god damn Abercrombie model standing in front of this girl. She would look at me and practically cry before saying things like "Jesus Christ, do you have any idea how hot you are?"

Um, no, I don't, so thank you!

This is how hot I am, apparently: When we went to get a glass of water, I was standing nearby in my jeans, but lacking a shirt. She fills her glass, holds it, turns to look at me, and she freezes as her eyes admire my shirtlessness. Then, because she couldn't handle it (and she verified this, so it's FUCKING AWESOME), she dropped her glass. It shattered all over the floor, water everywhere, and we were both cracking up because that had never happened to her in her life. I am so hot to at least one person that I can cause them to lose control of motor functions. That is downright phenomenal.

We ended up laying with one another, holding hands, caressing, kissing, talking and reminiscing until about two in the morning. We went on about how unique our situation is and how we've never known anyone with a situation like ours. We tried, like many times before, to pinpoint what it all means. And still...we have no idea.

For the sake of I dunno what, we slept in different rooms. Maybe to just redeem ourselves a little. But I didn't get any sleep. Despite having been awake for almost 24 hours yesterday, I'm wired right now after five hours of sleep. I couldn't sleep because I was so happy. For once in my life, I couldn't sleep because I was HAPPY! And for all the pain and's pretty worth it. Maybe that's just the self-masochist in me. But if you knew this feeling...I think you'd know where I was coming from.

Today, it's going to be 90 degrees, so we're heading to the beach. The nude one. It's gonna be a good day.

I still can't predict what's going to happen in the remaining nine days and its finale. But if all manages to go to hell, which I know it certainly can...yesterday alone was worth it. It really fucking was.

Stay tuned.
I hope you all enjoyed today's rendition of TMI Thursdays! G'night everyone!
(Or good day. I got a whole freakin' work day left.)
-Spontaneous K


Miss OverThinker said...

Loved reading this story.. reminds me of some of my steamiest times.. I am curious to know why was it so bad when it was so gooood?

Anonymous said...

sorry I've been MIA for a while...have a lot going on lately : )

1)thank you for the award
2) who IS this chick???? I want o know more!!!

sounds like you were totally into her, what happened?