Okay, so I was pretty proud of myself to have even kept this blog going for a month now...but I never expected to be given an award of any kind. It's been so nice to have readers and commenters, but to have someone acknowledge that all my glory and all my grief...my "star-crossed" story as she put it...literally brightens her day to read. That, well...brightens my day and gives me such an incentive to continue blogging. Fellow readers of [My Own Voice Over], I present to you my first blogging award, presented to me by Jen Jen of Jen's Battle Book, The SUNSHINE AWARD!
Sunny flowers! Yay!
As is tradition with the Sunshine Award, you are to pass it along to other bloggers who brighten your day...because we're all in this mess we call "life" together, right? Here's a little list of internet denizens that keep me sane:
- Katie Blogs: She told me not to do this, but I have to! Katie literally hopped on my ass within 30 second of my joining 20sb, and was perhaps my first reader. Even when her whimsical, sarcastic, and downright funny outlook on life isn't entertaining me on her blog, her wise insight is warming me as a friend. She's a keeper. Even though I know her as My First Internet Enemy.
- Proud Maisie: Forewarning all that this is an adult content blog, she may have a darker side, but she's a sweetheart in the end and has a mysterious way with words that is quite tantalizing. She's been an avid listener to my stories, and I was turned onto her blog by her elegant, dangerously arousing use of language.
- In Search Of Pemberley: If there's someone out there that thinks similarly to the way that I do, or at least thinks about the same things I do, it's writer Pratty. While a lot of blogs out there are hysterical rants and commentaries about life, and others are plain whining (I'm guilty of both I'm sure), Pratty has a genuine introspective writing style that gives you something to think about throughout your day.
- Refreshingly Honest: by writer imerika. I have to say, I am truly blessed to have a reader such as her, because she is downright hysterical and in your face. I wish I had the balls to write about some of the things she writes about on her blog (and perhaps I will if I ever get laid again one of these days), but you know you've got a good friend when they tell you, hands down, verbatum "kick the bitch in the face" as sincere advice. Please read her blog.
Okay! The rules for accepting the Sunshine Award are as follows:
1. Put the logo in your post or within your blog.
2. Pass the award onto fellow bloggers.
3. Link the nominees within your post.
4. Let nominees know they have received this award by leaving a comment on their blogs.
5. Share the love and link to the person who gave you the award!
Much love to the blogosphere. Pay it forward. :)
Honored and Yours,
Spontaneous K
that was very sweet of you! thank you!
Thank you very much indeed. My blog, my latex, and all my large insertables love you.
JenJen rocks my world!
Congrats on your first award!
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