Every once in a while, something actually works out the way you wanted it to. And you never know when it's going to strike. Perhaps you find out the girl you've been pining over finally dumps her jerk of a boyfriend. Perhaps the guy in the position you wanted at work was promoted, laid off, or fired. Perhaps you're the understudy of the lead in a broadway show and the lead gets sick, so you've got to step up.
In screenwriting terms, we dub this the "Call to Action!"
When I moved into my current apartment, I was subletting until this June, and then was hoping to be able to renew the lease, since the location and the apartment itself is fantastic and it's incredibly affordable. Unfortunately, the landlord had signed away the lease to three girls come June, which meant I was gettin' the boot once more, off into the all too familiar realm of "Where the hell am I supposed to live?"
Honestly, as a 25 year old, I'm really starting to get annoyed with carrying all my shit everywhere I go. It's heavy.
Last night, I called my landlord to set up a time to give him my paperwork and this month's rent when he sounded strangely happy to hear me. He presented me with the pleasant surprise that one of the three girls had dropped out of the lease, and the other two were wondering if Fred, my landlord, knew of anyone who wanted to take the room.
Of course he did. Moi.
Ideally, I wanted to move out of the room I'm in, because it's quite tiny, and the master bedroom is soooo nice, but the girl who dropped out was going to be taking my tiny room anyway, so I'm stuck there. On the bright side, that saves me $180 a month in extra rent, and it's not really a big deal. I can make the room cozy.
There are a lot of things you can do in life to help yourself get ahead, to increase your chances of success. But sometimes, to get what you want, you just gotta get lucky. :)
I do though have to meet these two new girls to make sure we're somewhat compatible. It would be a moot point if I don't get along with them. I'd prefer roommates who I can be friends with, but roommates I can tolerate is better than nothing. The one did say to me: "By the way, we're going to be drinking a lot. It's our senior year."
I laughed, and replied with. "Understood. I was there once. Might join you though." She seemed excited about that.
I meet the girls Thursday. Always another adventure!
-Spontaneous K
Yuck, who wants to live with girls? But well done, I am pleased for you.
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