They say the first step is the big one. I say it still takes a manner of awesomeness to take step two and keep going.
I want to thank everyone who provided me with the insight that I was begging for yesterday like an incapable fifteen year old: Passionista, imerika, Katie, and JenJen. (All girls! Booya! Oh, and please check out their blogs via the comment section of this post, cuz dey legit [Note to self: Stop using street talk. And colons. And ellipses...and parentheses, especially parentheses within parentheses]). Sometimes a verbal smack from someone who isn't clouded by their panicky emotions is enough to bring us back to reality and allow us to think clearly.
From the bottom of my heart...I'm not an incapable fifteen year old, no matter how much I act like one (It's fun sometimes, when there isn't a real problem). I'm a capable 25 year old, and I'm going to start acting like it. Each of my blogger friends said much of the same thing with their own special touch. I'm a grown man, I'm awesome, and I need to live my life independent of what this girl is doing.
She wants her space? She's got it. Best for the both of us. So onward from her.
From this point forward I'm going to attempt to keep any words of OAOA to a minimum. I've been writing this blog for 17 days now (Woot!) and I've noticed most of my talk is about her. That's unfortunate, because I have an entire life to talk about. Like a whole one. Whole being key word. Not sort of empty because I don't have her or some other girl, but a whole life.
Even though I have written a lot about her, the point of this blog has become truly apparent to me now that I'm 17 days in. It doesn't matter what's going on, there's always a story to be told, there's always something that you can learn and experience in your day, even if you think you did the same thing you always do on a Tuesday. (If you recall from My Hump Day, I don't even know where to start on how I feel about Tuesdays. Staff Meeting. Blah.) I'm proud that I've kept it going for this long, and I'd love to be able to reach the month milestone, the two month milestone, and, god willing, the year milestone. How cool would that be to be able to look back at the year and see a story each day? To truly understand what you went through over the course of one year? I'd like to see it. At this age, time flies by so quickly that I've found myself come each December 31st going "What the hell happened this year?"
If I write here, I'll know. :)
I should start labeling the posts though. It's hard, because I do the posts remotely, since work blocks I'll figure something out though. Perhaps go back at the end of the day and label the shiz out of them. Okay, I'll keep with the street talk. It's funny when a neurotic Jewish guy tries it.
On a great note, my new roommates, Jess and Josie, are awesome. I stayed up (WAY too late) talking with them and getting to know them. They even invited me out with them, which is really cool. It's nice to be able to come home and have people to talk to for once, people you enjoy. Even though it's only for three months, I'm thinking it'll be a three months that makes a good mark. And if it doesn't...oh well, right? Onward Ho:
Lastly...and I'm not a vain human being, I'm just completely surprised at this...a friend of mine suggested I try to try and meet girls. He's dating a few from there right now, and I was like "Really? From there?"
Why not.
I posted my pic. Now, I use the Internet a lot. A lot a lot. People are assholes. There are some mean mother-effers out there (I'm feeling the need to keep this blog semi-clean). For those not familiar with "Hot or Not", you rate pictures of others from 1 to 10 based on attractiveness. You can't really get more superficial than that. I expected myself to be in the 6-7 range, average.
Hmm. No.
Very much to my surprise, after having 54 women vote me thus far...FIFTY-FOUR (that may not sound like a lot in terms of the Internet, but imagine 54 people standing in front of you and then telling you what they rate your attractiveness. It's enough to make or break your ego)...I have an average of 9.3.
I'm not bragging. Because I still don't really believe it. It doesn't make sense. Somebody's joshin' with me.
Or maybe I should just give myself some more credit.
But a 9? Really? :)
-Spontaneous K
Well there's a reason why all of your blogs have been about her - she's the one whos been overwhelming your life right now. We tend to write about what we know - and she's what you know.
I'm looking forward to getting to know the YOU outside of HER.
I'm looking forward to getting to know the me outside of her too. :)
hold up--you're jewish??? ok, i totally need to set you up with my friend...but you live in florida...this could be a problem. well it doesn't matter, she's visiting this week and she's jewish and she has been set up on the craziest dates (i kid you not!) so this would be totally cool if I could somehow get you two to meet. any chance of you being near philly some day? how about socal?
ok that aside...i gave you a smackdown yesterday but also--don't be too hard on yourself...half of my blog is devoted to trying to get over my ex. it'll have your good days where you feel all empowered and then you'll have your weak moment when you're not sure if life will ever be the same...and either way--we'll be here to smack you out of it : )
You shouldn't feel bad about writing about this chick.. I started blogging because I was trying to get over someone too, and now I do write about so many other things but it really helped me last year when I could vent freely about my ex.. write what makes you happy - don't worry about your readers too much.
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